Botanicals for the metabolic syndrome
OB-X® an ingredient for selectively and safely reduction the adipose tissue, especially the visceral fat.
- 21% reduction in waist circumference with a caloric restriction, diet and exercise.
- 10% reduction in visceral fat without any exercise and diet.
- TG levels reduction.
- Anti-angiogenic effect.
- Fatty acid β-oxidation.

A non animal water soluble ingredient for calorie control
- Fat trapping capability: 80% of daily intake.
- 2500 times more active than regular Chitosan.
- H2OSLIM® is 60% more effective than Chitosan+Succinic Acid.
- Low dosage: 400 mg before main meals.
- Non-animal polysaccharides 100% water soluble.

Natural and Mediterranean approach to weight control
Fatorange® is a standardized natural extract obtained from blood oranges that targets fatty nodules in the abdomen.
- High content of hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins, flavonones.
- Grown in the Valencian Community, Spain.
- Extract produced sustainably.
- 400mg/day.